12 Tips for Capturing Authentic Candid Street Photos


Candid street photography captures unique and authentic moments in time. It is a sub-genre of street photography that presents a challenge to photographers. In order to create successful candid street photographs, various components must come together harmoniously. This article will reveal some secrets and provide tips for creating your own perfect candid street photograph.

What Is Candid Street Photography?

Candid street photography involves capturing images of people from the street without them realizing. At first, this may sound intrusive or even creepy. However, when done with sensitivity and skill, candid street photos can tell valuable stories about the people around us and how we connect with one another. This genre of photography aims to capture real emotions and vulnerabilities, offering a glimpse into the true essence of the subjects.

1. Minimal Gear For Candid Street Photography

When engaging in candid street photography, it is advisable to keep your camera bag light. Opt for a few favorite lenses that you are comfortable with, such as a 50mm and 70-200mm. Unless you intend to stay in one spot, it is best to leave your tripod at home. Restricting your gear will allow for more flexibility in movement and help you maintain a low profile. For those feeling particularly adventurous, consider taking only a camera with a prime lens (35mm or 50mm) and leave your bag behind.

2. Photographing Ground Level Candid Photos

One interesting approach to candid street photography is capturing images at ground level. By finding a comfortable and dry spot that offers multiple viewpoints, you can be unobtrusive while capturing intriguing expressions. However, a significant challenge when photographing at ground level is the movement of legs walking past, potentially obstructing the perfect shot. This challenge can be utilized creatively by incorporating the moving bodies as a frame for your subject.

candid street photo of two little girls holding festival objects

3. Dress Down and Blend In

Standing out in a crowd is the last thing you want to do when engaging in candid street photography. Blending in with your surroundings is crucial for capturing authentic moments without arousing unnecessary attention. To achieve this, wear plain clothing that reflects the environment you are in. Opt for comfort rather than high fashion. A standard uniform of jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers can help you maintain a low profile.

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4. Creating Street Portrait Photos With Patience

Patience is key in candid street photography. To capture genuine moments and emotions, it is important to trust your instincts and have a keen sense of timing. Sometimes, this might involve waiting for a significant period of time, but the results will be worth it. Slowing down and being patient allows you to fully observe and take advantage of changing light, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and different compositions. By waiting patiently, you increase your chances of capturing intriguing facial expressions and beautiful movements that tell a compelling story.

candid street photography of a car driving by an old building

5. Accepting Mistakes in Candid Photos

Candid street photography encourages creativity and embracing mistakes. The decisive moment does not always align perfectly with ideal lighting or backgrounds. Instead of being discouraged by these imperfections, learn how to incorporate movement and problematic lighting to your advantage. Additionally, learn how to convert photographs to black and white if color or lighting issues persist. Experimenting with cropping can also help draw the viewer’s eye to the subject and enhance the overall composition of the image.

candid street photo of people playing chess outdoors

6. Get Close Up With Your Candid Street Portraits

One effective way to capture candid moments is to get close to your subjects. Though this may feel intimidating, especially for new street photographers, using a zoom lens and starting with inanimate objects can help ease into it. Candid street portraits do not necessarily have to be taken from the front; interesting emotions and vulnerabilities can be captured by photographing people from the side or back. Pay close attention to body language, as it often conveys powerful narratives in portraiture.

7. Build Familiarity With Your Street Scene

Familiarizing yourself with the environment in which you are photographing can greatly enhance your ability to capture the perfect candid shot. Understanding the light and weather patterns of your home town, for example, can help you intuitively select the appropriate camera settings and compositions in familiar settings. This familiarity allows you to focus more on observing expressions, behavior, and body language, resulting in more compelling candid photographs.

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8. Stay Friendly and Approachable

candid street photo of a group of children drumming outdoors

It is important to have a clear idea of the purpose behind your photographs and be prepared to respond honestly to any queries or requests from people you might encounter in your candid street photography endeavors. Showing people their photos if they ask and being open to deleting photographs of strangers upon their request are important ethical considerations. It is also essential to find a balance between being too inconspicuous and too obvious. Position yourself somewhere in between and maintain a calm and friendly presence. Trust your instincts when determining whether or not to capture a particular moment.

9. Be Quick And Smart With Your Candid Photo Camera Settings

Candid street photography often involves long periods of waiting punctuated by sudden bursts of activity. It is crucial to be well-versed in your camera settings and be able to make quick adjustments when necessary. For instance, if a person is moving out of the shade and into the sun, you might need to adjust your shutter speed accordingly. Fast-changing backgrounds may require modifications to the depth of field. Familiarize yourself with manual settings and practice until adjusting them becomes second nature. While it may be tempting to rely on auto settings, mastering manual control allows for greater creativity and control over the final result.

candid street photo of a group of journalists and news reporters speaking outdoors

10. Increase Your ISO And Embrace The Grain

Many photographers are initially hesitant to increase their ISO for street photography, often sticking to ISO100 regardless of lighting conditions. However, technological advancements have made it possible to increase the ISO setting without compromising the quality of photographs significantly. By slightly increasing your ISO (between 200 and 400, for example), you open up new possibilities for capturing candid facial expressions and maintaining a fast shutter speed for sharp photographs. Embrace the slight grain that higher ISO produces, as it can add aesthetic value to your street photography. Avoid increasing the ISO beyond 640 to prevent excessive noise.

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11. Be the Tourist

If you still feel nervous about engaging in candid street photography, consider adopting the mindset of a tourist from out of town. Imagining yourself as a visitor can provide you with the permission and confidence to make street photographs. This approach also allows you to observe your surroundings with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of curiosity and exploration.

candid street photo of two women comforting each other by a memorial

12. Tell the Story

A crucial aspect of candid street photography is having a clear narrative in mind. While capturing fleeting moments can be challenging, developing an understanding of what is happening around you is essential. Take note of the smells, sounds, and interactions occurring in your environment. By understanding the story unfolding before you, you can anticipate and recognize decisive candid moments, effectively communicating the experience to viewers of the photograph. Developing a narrative perspective is especially useful when creating a series of photographs or engaging in storytelling through photography. Candid street photography plays a vital role in narrative storytelling, photojournalism, and documentary photography, making the responsibility to capture these stories accurately and ethically significant.


Candid street photography offers a unique opportunity to create original photographs that tell compelling stories. By avoiding complicated artificial lighting, extravagant equipment, and self-conscious models, this genre of photography allows for freedom of movement and diverse subject matter. By incorporating the tips and techniques mentioned in this article, you can master the art of candid street photography and use your camera as a tool to share powerful stories and history with the world.

The article is compiled and compiled by tipcamera.com